
International & Cross-Strait Affairs Center

Contact Info
International & Cross-Strait Affairs Center
Tel: 886-5-226-7125 (Extensions: 21814、21815)
Fax: 886-5-226-1213
E-Mail: iac@wfu.edu.tw
Cht Website:https://cia.wfu.edu.tw/

The International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center is responsible for facilitating university-level international cooperating in the areas of student and faculty exchange and academic partnership. The goal is pursue excellence for the university through internationalization and globalization, providing students with global opportunities and intercultural experiences, that boost their self-esteem and enhances their career competitiveness.

    The main job description is shown as follows:

  1. Planning and establishment of the international academic exchange policy at our campus.
  2. Managing dual-degree programs, exchange students, and overseas study tours.
  3. coordination, and Implementing various international cooperation initiatives.
  4. Developing connections, coordinating, and implementing cross-strait academic exchanges and cooperation.
  5. Providing Consultation, counseling and assistance with document application for foreign students and overseas Chinese students.
  6. Representing the University at International Conferences and handling related business matters.
  7. Hosting and coordinating visits from distinguished foreign guests.
  8. Other jobs which are related to international and cross-strait academic exchanges.
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